Friday 25 October 2019

The Brigshaw Learning Partnerships - Look for a Book project 2019

You may have heard of “Look for a book” initiatives which have taken place over the summer in various locations across the UK.  The idea is that children hide a book which they have previously read, along with a short note, for others to find.  Once the lucky finder has read the book, they then ‘re-hide’ for somebody else to find and enjoy.  Alternatively, they may decide to hide a book of their own instead.
Today all children have been in an assembly where we have launched our “Look for a book” initiative which will start today Friday 25th October to kick start the half term.  All primary schools in the Brigshaw Learning Partnership and our associated partner schools are taking part and we hope to engage as many of our children and their families as possible over the coming weeks.  We believe this is a great initiative not only for getting young people outdoors and active, but to encourage reading and the sharing of a good book!
Getting started
Today, our school got the ball rolling by hiding a number of books in Ledston for our children to find.  The books will be left in a document wallet to protect them from the weather, along with a note which explains what to do next.  However, in order to involve as many children as possible, and for the initiative to gain momentum, we are urging you to take part with your own families by hiding a book of your own within your local community for somebody else to find over half term. 
Books need to be left in safe, easy to reach locations, and not so well hidden that they can’t be found!  We have spoken to our children today about ensuring they hide or hunt for books safely.  We would also encourage older children not to take any books they may find which are suitable for a younger reader.  Below are some images from the Selby “Look for a Book” project to give you an idea of how to get started with your own family.
A Twitter page has been set up to share and celebrate the project at the following address; @BrigshawLP.  You can also post on your school’s own Twitter page. It would be great to see pictures of children hiding, looking for or reading their books.  Please note, if you decide to share photographs via social media, do not include any of other people’s children and only refer to your own children by their first name.
We really hope you will get involved and look forward to seeing your pictures and hearing from the children who have taken part upon our return to school.
Happy hunting!

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