Wednesday 27 June 2018

Viking Ship Scientific Investigation

Which hull 'shape' makes the most effective ship for speed and 'manoeuvrability'? We looked at water resistance and wind resistance and conducted fair tests before we found the answer. The 'winning' ship was not the shape we originally predicted, but this generated some great discussion when explaining the reasons for the results.

Elite Rugby Festival

Here are some photos of the children in Year 5 and 6 who attend Rugby Club on a weekly basis taking in the Elite Rugby Festival earlier this month. They were amazing! Thank you Wayne, Jose and everyone from Team Elite!

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Viking Experience (part 2)

The three Vikings who visited from Jofor's Hall gave us a fascinating insight into what life must have been like all those years ago when they settled in the British Isles. The children are going to use the information, history,  knowledge and the newly learnt vocabulary they have gained from the Vikings, to add detail and realistic description when writing their newspaper reports and recounts.

Viking Invasion!

                                                  The Vikings invaded today!

Finn and Bjorn pretended to be fierce......


.......but were quite domesticated really!

Bjorn showed us the weapons he had made using authentic Viking methods and processes.

Finn explained about how animals were hunted not only for meat but also for their skins. The skins were used to keep the Vikings warm, line the walls and floors of their huts and to make every day objects and utensils.