Tuesday 17 September 2019


Today the senior management team monitored the impact of school's 'back to basics' focus. We started off with a learning walk through school, wow the buzz of purpose and interaction was clearly visible with children listening to learn and/or working in groups/independently with respect and focus. Next representatives from each class were asked about the instructions given by their teachers and other adults in school. It was clear from talking with each group of children that these instructions are being used consistently and that children are clear about exceptions. Each group of children were asked how the consequence system works in their class and again there was a consensus of understanding of the reminder consequences. The children explained how the consequences support them to think about their choices and to work well as a class so everyone could achieve individually. Class wide rewards were well liked and the children liked that individuals could win the class, rewards. We also questioned the children about playtimes and again they could talk about the school's system of yellow and red cards. They thought the investigation test was very good at sorting out whether a playtime fall out/problem needed adult intervention. Finally, the children were asked about manners and whether they thought our focus to ask for these has an impact, one of the responses was 'It makes everyone smile, you can disagree but stay friends' Thank to everyone supporting this drive, let's keep it up.


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