A fantastic end to the Autumn Term and a brilliant way to get into the festive spirit! Music is well and truly alive at Lady Elizabeth Hastings thanks to the sterling work of Miss B and Mrs F. A lot of foot tappin', swaying' and clappin' went on during our KS2 musical medley, particularly during 'Rockin' Robin'! Well done to our Choir and instrumentalists and thank you parents and relatives for adding to the amazing atmosphere!
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Senior Citizen's Christmas Lunch
We welcomed residents of our Parish yesterday and served them a Christmas Lunch! The KS2 Choir sang a medley of festive songs and our youngest children performed a scene from their Nativity.
The final Clue in the six blogs of Christmas Challenge is :-
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Christmas Fair Success!
We have lots of people to thank for the success of our Christmas Fair on Friday evening..... over £800 raised! Thank you for organising, donating, helping, spending, enjoying and tidying up afterwards. Great team work and a wonderful, festive fundraiser!
5th clue .......'M'
Early Years and KS1 Nativity-Monday and Wednesday!
We are looking forward to seeing parents at our Nativity Performance!
If you are collecting clues for the 6 Blogs of Christmas anagram......the fourth letter is
Monday, 7 December 2015
Crib Service
Today we held our Crib Service in school and celebrated advent with Christingle Candles, an Advent Candle Wreath and Christmas Carols. Thank you to all parents who are supporting the Children's Society this year by filling up the collection boxes. We look forward to repeating this service in Ledsham Church on Friday 18th December at 2.30 p.m.and all parents and friends of Lady Elizabeth Hastings C of E Primary School are invited to attend.
3rd Blog of Christmas Clue =
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Robin visit!
Today a robin popped in for dinner.
It flew into our Nativity scene to look at Baby Jesus. Perhaps a robin was in the stable the night Jesus was born?
It stood in the middle of the stage. The Reception children said it wanted to sing and join in with our Choir.
It hopped onto the piano keys, but just wasn't heavy enough to play any notes!
It perched on the wooden beams above our heads, watching the children eat their dinner.
It could see the trees outside. The robin cocked it's head to one side and looked puzzled. 'How have I ended up in here?' it seemed to say.

'Ha!.....the old bread crumb trick! Works every time!'
'Back safe and sound in my home. What lovely boys and girls!'
Blog Clue just has to be the letter r
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Anagram Puzzle - Crib Scene
The Reception children have started to make the buildings to create our 'Little Town of Bethlehem' for the Nativity Scene in the hall.
6 Blogs of Christmas - Anagram Puzzle
Collect the clues (letters) from each Blog; rearrange them to find a word that is in the title of a Christmas Carol. Use the slip outside Mrs B's office to record your clues and hand in on Friday 18th!
Reception Christmas Experience
Thank you to everyone who came along to support our Reception Christmas Experience. Hats, lanterns, wreathes, nativity scenes and the little town of Bethlehem all created in one afternoon. Lots of glitter, glue and mess ......the children enjoyed themselves so much and I think the Dad's did too!
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